Jing Quan Dao's Combat Tactics of Chinese Police is the modern hardcore combat system of China. Jing Quan Tao literally means way of the alert fist but Jing also means police. Since many law enforcement officers implement this method. Master Alexander Tao - a Guinness Book of World Records holder and master of the ancient fighting arts of Shaolin Temple Wudang Mountain and Liang Mountain developed this new martial art for actual street combat situations. You will learn the real fighting techniques of a professional fighter In this video program. Jing Quan Dao (DVD-AT001) - Vol. 1 (Lessons 1-9). Quick Throws. Attacks and Counterattacks. Chin Na (joint locks). Kicking. Fist and Palm strikes and more. Jing Quan Dao (DVD-AT002) - Vol. 2 (Lessons 10-18). Free Sparring. Side Kicks and Back Kicks. Joint Dislocation. Break Falls. Advanced Free Sparring. Techniques for Nunchaku and Push Dagger (knuckle knife) and more. For Iron Body Master Kit please click here.